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FALL 2014 BIOLOGY 350- ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY Also check Black Board for updates and LAB CONTENT The lecture part of CLASS only meets on Tuesday & Thursdays NEWS : You can participate by presenting your undergrad research at the annual meeting . Room 116 Biology - Lecture OLD EXAMS (used in a summer course; MS Word 2003 format) 2006 summer Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4 2009 summer Test1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4 On BB will be a master test bank for years of old exam questions |
Fall 2014: Biology Building
see this clip to get you thinking about course content: |
Instructor: But did you resubmit lab reports to earn back points? Student: No, but I wanted to. Instructor: Did you come by office hours to ask for help? Student: No, but I was going to. Instructor: Did you attend every lecture? Student: I attended the important ones. Doesn't that count? |
Lecture: Biological
Sciences, Rm. 116 The
Bio 350 teaching lab is located in the Multidisciplinary Sciences Building
(MDS) in room 155B. This is the red brick and stucco building directly
across the street from Biology (Thomas Hunt Morgan Building), right next
to the UK clinic parking garage. All laboratory sections of the BIO 350
course meet in MDS 155B . TA's:Farid Yaghouby, Shreyas Joshi, and John Flunker Labs:
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book: It is listed in Kennedy's Book store under "Bio 350" Title: Eckert Animal Physiology: Mechanisms and Adaptations, Fifth Edition, by David Randall, Warren Burggren, and Kathleen French. |
Instructors: | ||||||
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Robin L. Cooper Office: Morgan building-226 Tel: 257-5950 Office Hours: email for time WWW Home page (go to) |
Melody Danley Office: MDS 125 Office
Hours: email for time |
Teaching assistants for the course: |
Farid Yaghouby Sec 00?& 00? |
Shreyas Joshi Sec 00?& 00? |
John Flunker Sec 00?& 00? |
| ||
Down load PDF files: | Course outline PDF, MS word | Chapter questions to focus on (go to) |
Jump to on this page: |
Course schedule (see below) (go to) | Download PPT files (go to) |
BIO350: Lecture Schedule for Bio 350, FALL 2014 (T & TH 9:30 AM- 10:45 AM) Lecture, Day, Date, Topic Reading, Lecturer 1... Th... 8/28... Introduction to course and physiology...... Chapt 1&2, 3 (why comparative physiology-PDF-out 2014 today) (ECHO360) Stress relaxation here and here 2...... T ...... 9/2...... Molecules, Energy and Biosynthesis ...... Chapt 3 (podcast, echo-360) ....... today we talked about COPD and O2 therapy (checkout this blog) and here is an Article (PDF)
You can do it.... think of this mouse (here) ...... Th ...... 9/18...... Exam 1 ...... Ch1- 6 parts (adjustments made to EXAM 1 ....see PDF) 7......
T ...... 9/23......
Communication along and between neurons......
Ch. 6 (podcast and echo 360) Sibi Rajendran Google site is here
case you need to chillout and relax from stress
go here 21 ...... Th ...... 11/13...... Cardiovascular / Respiration ...... Chapt. 12 & 13. If you are interested in heart development ppt To relax this weekend you need to hear this music maybe some more as well here ......
11/18...... Respiration ...... Chapt. 13 (11/3/2014, CHANGE IN SCHEDULE, NO class, but here is podcast and ECHO 360) A very cool YouTube clip sent by your classmate: It is 4 minutes long and definitely a good watch. ......
- Thanksgiving Ion Normal blood concentration range (mmol.L−1)
Chill out a bit with this here & have a good break here
A litte more chill'n here
BIO 350 Lab Schedule: See your black board page. The outline presented
above is a tentative plan for the semester. Specific topics and assignments
are subject to change. Principal Learning
Objectives: Additional Lab
Guidelines Animal care: BIO 350 Laboratory Schedule see lab web page IMPORTANT ACADEMIC DATES (Fall 2014)
Ch. 1: Chapter 1: 1, 2 ........PDF of text handed out in class ................PDF 1-Evol. Med PDF or MS WORD ................PDF 2- Ice Fish PDF or MS WORD Look at oxidative stress paper (PDF) Ch. 2: NA Ch. 3: 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30 Lactate, not pyruvate, is neuronal aerobic glycolysis end product: an in vitro electrophysiological study. {PDF}
Ch. 4: 1, 10,11, 13, 15, 19 Ch. 5: 3, 4, 6. 9, 16, 19 Chapter 6: 2, 3 . Also fun sensory activities in lab as well as going over the exam. Chapter 6: 7, 8, 12, 14, 18 Chapter 7:1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 14 Mean quantal content HW Handed out. See these if you loose the one in recitation: PDF , MS word or Gif file Chapter 8: 3, 6, 9 Week of Oct 5 discuss [PDF4] & [PDF5] Chapter 10: 1, 3, 6, 12, 19, 22 here is a general link (go to) Chapter 11: 2, 13 |
You should be able to answer these questions (you might see them again) ! Reading: in chapter 9
Questions for recitation
1. Discuss the differences between autocine, paracrine, neurocrine and endocrine secretion.
2. What are pheromones?
3. Explain how catecholamines can have so many different actions.
4. Discuss examples that illustrate the intimate functional association of the nervous and endocrine systems.
5. How can a single second messenger, (e.g. cAMP or IP3) induced by binding of different hormones, mediate different cellular responses in different tissues?
6. Explain how
a small number of hormone molecules can elicit cell responses involving
millions of times as many molecules? |
To the issue about CHOLESTEROL and fluidity of biological membranes within normal temperatures. There maybe differences in the teaching on this point in Cell Biology and Animal Physiology so keep in mind which system, animal or bacteria, and the normal operating temperatures for the organisms.
In relation to Bio350 ANIMAL physiology and NOT bacterial cells the point is that cholesterol decreases fluidity in biological membranes of mammals.
Lets see the text by Lodish et al., (4th edition, 2000) Molecular Cell Biology
Page 165: "Membrane cholesterol is another major determinate of bilayer fluidity....... The net effect of cholesterol on membrane fluidity varies, depending on the lipid composition. ...... At the high concentrations found in eukaryotic plasma membranes, cholesterol tends to make the membranes less fluid at growth temperatures near 37C." |
Chapter 6 {ppt-a} {PDF-a}, {ppt-b} {PDF-b} Chapter 7 {ppt-a} {PDF-a}, {ppt-b} {PDF-b} |
chapter 9 {ppt-a; ppt--b} {PDF-a; PDF-b} Clinical endocrine (ppt) overhead used in class Jpeg PDF Just some more on Muscle ppt chapter 12 {ppt-a; ppt-b} {PDF-a; PDF-b} Clinical heart stuff (ppt) ionic current in pacing PDF chapter 13 {ppt-a; ppt-b} {PDF-a; PDF-b} chapter 14 {ppt-a; ppt-b} {PDF-a; PDF-b} chapter 15 {ppt-a; ppt-b} {PDF-a; PDF-b}
Neat Information: Evolutionary Physiology 1994 (PDF) About folic acid (pdf) Male Brain (pdf) Drug MDMA (ectasy) (PDF) neg pH (pdf) Imprint genes (pdf) Music & Brain (pdf) Kiss & Run (pdf) Neat PDF on nerve gas agents (PDF) The leech model and glia cells (PDF)
1. SPUR- Society for Promotion of Undergraduate Research. It
is a great new club for anyone in research, or who is interested in
doing research.By the way, for those of you that were interested in
getting a lab position, the first step is to fill out an application,
the link below will take you directly to it. The application may seem
long/unneccesary, but it is not a 2. TRI- BETA UK Beta Beta Beta Biology Honors Society
OVERHEADS used in class:
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