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FALL 2016 BIOLOGY 350- ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY Check Canvas and lab web page for updates and LAB CONTENT The lecture part of CLASS for sections 3, 4 and 5 meets on M, W and F Room 116 Biology Lecture M,W,F 10:00 -10:50 AM (sections 3, 4, & 5) OLD EXAMS (used in a summer course; MS Word 2003 format) 2006 summer Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4 2009 summer Test1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4 On Canvas will be a master test bank for years of old exam questions |
Fall 2016: Biology Building
see this clip to get you thinking about course content: |
But did you resubmit lab reports to earn back points? Student: No, but I wanted to. Instructor: Did you come by office hours to ask for help? Student: No, but I was going to. Instructor: Did you attend every lecture? Student: I attended the important ones. Doesn't that count? |
Lecture: Biological
Sciences, Rm. 116 The
Bio 350 teaching lab is located in the new Academic Science Building TA's: Labs for sections 3-5: |
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book: It is listed in Kennedy's Book store under "Bio 350" The discounted ISBN for the ebook and LooseLeaf text are below.
Sherwood/Klandorf/ 2nd ©2016 |
Instructors: | |||||
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Robin L. Cooper Office: Morgan building-226 Tel: 257-5950 Office Hours: email for time WWW Home page (go to) |
Melody Danley Office: 153 C, NEW ACADEMIC SCI BUILDING Office
Hours: email for time |
Teaching assistants for the course: |
Cole Malloy |
Nadera Dabbain |
Victoria Thompson |
Jeffrey Chalfant |
| ||
Down load PDF files: | Course outline PDF, MS word | |
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Course schedule (see below) (go to) | Download PPT files (go to) |
BIO350: Lecture Schedule for Bio 350, FALL 2016 Sections 3, 4 & 5 (Lecture 10:00 -10:50 AM on M, W and F) 1...8/24
... Lecture
1: Overview of class: lecture+ lab, exams etc; How one learns. .............Stress relaxation here and here 2.....8/26.......Lecture
2: continue with Homeostasis. Cellular energy: ATP from glucose, comparative-anoxic
....... about COPD and O2 therapy (checkout this blog) and here is an Article (PDF)
3......8/29........... Lecture 3: Cont. Cellular
energy: ATP from glucose, comparative-anoxic 4 ......8/31 ......Lecture 4: membrane physiology, membranes, Na/K ATPase, membrane potential (Ch 3 &4) (podcast, ..... ............echo 360) 5 ......9/2 .......Lecture 5: membrane physiology, membranes, Na/K ATPase, membrane potential (Ch 3 &4) (Podcast, echo .............360-screwed up because I used the web cam to show the larval heart beating.... see podcast and ppt files) 9/5, Labor Day - Academic Holiday 6 ......9/7 ...... Lecture 6: APs, graded potentials, summation, V-gated Na and K channels-gates (Ch 3 &4) Chill out a bit with this here (podcast and ECHO 360) 7......9/9
....... Lecture 7: Continue Aps, graded
potentials etc (Ch 3 &4) (podcast and echo 360) 13
Lecture 13: Sensory mechanisms & behavior. (Ch 5 & 6) (podcast and Echo360) In case you need to chillout and relax from stress go here 15 ......9/28........ Lecture 15: Catch up & Exam review (? at midnight your lecture assignment is due on safe assign through your Canvas log in )(podcast,and Echo360) QUIZ DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can do it.... think of this mouse (here) 9/30: EXAM 1 (FRIDAY) - Multiple choice, short answer and open responses. (Exam Key PDF posted here) ..................Muscle man Youtube Muscle man EMG music (muscle topic ...ppt) 16
......10/3 .......
Lecture 16: Muscle physiology (Ch 8) (podcast and Echo360) 21 .....10/14...... Lecture 21: Endocrine: thyroids (Ch 7) (podcast-1, Podcast-2, Echo360-1, Echo360-2). ...............To relax this weekend you need to hear this music maybe some more as well here 22
.....10/17. .......,
Lecture 22: Endocrine: fuel metabolism, energy balance (Ch 7). ...............Oct 10-21, midterm grading window 23 ......10/19 ..... Lecture 23: Endocrine (Ch 7) (podcast and Echo360) QUIZ day in class CATCH UP PODCAST-part 2 & ECHO360-part 2 on ENDOCRINE...... NEED TO LOOK OVER FOR THE CONTENT TO BE TESTED ON. If you are interested in medical endrocrinology but also to help reinforce the endocrine content which we cover in class see this series of ppt slides (PPT) A very cool YouTube clip sent by your last year classmate: It is 4 minutes long and definitely a good watch. If you are interested in heart development ppt 24......10/21.......
Lecture 24: Cardiovascular (Ch 9) (podcast and Echo360) Ion
Normal blood concentration range (mmol.L−1)
The part I drew out today was : 28.....10/31....... Lecture 28: Respiration (Ch 11) (podcast-Part A & Part B and Echo360-Part A & Part B) 29.....11/2..... Lecture 29: Catch up & Exam review (podcast and Echo360) QUIZ DAY 11/4, EXAM 2 (FRIDAY) - Multiple choice, short answer and open responses. ( I handed back the exams with the key for you to double check. KEY-PDF ) 30.....11/7....... Lecture 30: Excretion, fluid and ionic/osmotic balance (Ch 11 & 12 & 13) (podcast and Echo360) 31.....11/9....... Lecture 31: Excretion, fluid and ionic/osmotic balance (Ch 12 & 13) (podcast and Echo360) 32.....11/11....... Lecture 32: Excretion, fluid and ionic/osmotic balance (Ch 12 & 13) (podcast and Echo360) Chill out a bit with this here & have a good break here A litte more chill'n here 33.....11/14....... Lecture 33: Excretion, fluid and ionic/osmotic balance (Ch 12 & 13) (podcast and Echo360) 34.....11/16....... Lecture 34: Excretion, fluid and ionic/osmotic balance (Ch 12 & 13) (podcast and Echo360) ( gut brain connections) (current article on poop) (also drugs & the GUT) 35.....11/18....... Lecture 35: Digestion (Ch 12 &13) (podcast and Echo360) 36.....11/21....... Lecture 36:Digestion (Ch 12 & Ch13)) (podcast and Echo360) 11/23, No class, Thanksgiving 37.....11/28....... Lecture 37: Digestion (Ch 13 & 14) (podcast and Echo360) 38.....11/30....... Lecture 38: Reproduction (Ch 14 & 16) (podcast and Echo360) 39.....12/2....... Lecture 39: Reproduction (Ch 16) (podcast Part 1....Part 2 and Echo360 part 1 ... part 2) QUIZ DAY 40.....12/5....... Lecture 40: Reproduction (Ch 16) (podcast and Echo360) QUIZ DAY 41.....12/7....... Lecture 41: Catch up on content (podcast and Echo360) 42.....12/9....... Lecture 42: Review for final exam (podcast and Echo360) ...................................................Important link for relaxation FINAL EXAM: Monday 12/12/16 at 8:00 AM Room 116 Cumulative with emphasis on 3rd section of class
BIO 350 Lab Schedule: See your black board page. The outline presented
above is a tentative plan for the semester. Specific topics and assignments
are subject to change. Principal Learning
Objectives: Additional Lab
Guidelines Animal care: BIO 350 Laboratory Schedule see lab web page IMPORTANT ACADEMIC DATES (Fall 2016)
Ch. 1: Chapter 1: 1, 2
................PDF 1-Evol. Med PDF or MS WORD ................PDF 2- Ice Fish PDF or MS WORD Look at oxidative stress paper (PDF)
To the issue about CHOLESTEROL and fluidity of biological membranes within normal temperatures. There maybe differences in the teaching on this point in Cell Biology and Animal Physiology so keep in mind which system, animal or bacteria, and the normal operating temperatures for the organisms.
In relation to Bio350 ANIMAL physiology and NOT bacterial cells the point is that cholesterol decreases fluidity in biological membranes of mammals.
Lets see the text by Lodish et al., (4th edition, 2000) Molecular Cell Biology
Page 165: "Membrane cholesterol is another major determinate of bilayer fluidity....... The net effect of cholesterol on membrane fluidity varies, depending on the lipid composition. ...... At the high concentrations found in eukaryotic plasma membranes, cholesterol tends to make the membranes less fluid at growth temperatures near 37C." |
How we learn (ppt) 8/24, Lecture 1: (ppt) 9/5, Labor Day - Academic Holiday Notes made in class (PDF-1, PDF-2)
9/30: EXAM 1 (FRIDAY) - Multiple choice, short answer and open responses. 10/3, Lecture 16:
10/12, Lecture
20: Chapter 7-Endocrine Oct 10-21, midterm grading window 10/19, Lecture
23: Chapter 9- ...................................circulation 11/4, EXAM 2 (FRIDAY) - Multiple choice, short answer and open responses possible. 11/7, Lecture30: 11/9, Lecture 31:
11/23, No class, Thanksgiving 11/28, Lecture
37: Chapter 14 Digestion ppt Clinical endocrine (ppt) overhead used in class Jpeg PDF Just some more on Muscle ppt Clinical heart stuff (ppt) ionic current in pacing PDF
Neat Information: Muscle cramp and K + : " CONCLUSIONS: The effect of banana ingestion on EAMCs is unknown; however, these data suggested bananas are unlikely to relieve EAMCs by increasing extracellular [K(+)] or [glucose](p). The increases in [K(+)](p) were marginal and within normal clinical values. The changes in [K(+)](p), plasma K(+) content, and [glucose](p) do not occur quickly enough to treat acute EAMCs, especially if they develop near the end of competition." .............................. Horses and hyperK diets Evolutionary Physiology 1994 (PDF) .............PDF 1-Evol. Med PDF or MS WORD ................PDF 2- Ice Fish PDF or MS WORD About folic acid (pdf) Male Brain (pdf) Drug MDMA (ectasy) (PDF) neg pH (pdf) Imprint genes (pdf) Music & Brain (pdf) Kiss & Run (pdf) Neat PDF on nerve gas agents (PDF) The leech model and glia cells (PDF) Muscle Growth (PDF) Skeletal muscle fatigue (PDF) Skeletal muscle (link to actin and myosin Heart. MEA in rats PDF
1. SPUR- Society for Promotion of Undergraduate Research. It
is a great new club for anyone in research, or who is interested in
doing research.By the way, for those of you that were interested in
getting a lab position, the first step is to fill out an application,
the link below will take you directly to it. The application may seem
long/unneccesary, but it is not a 2. TRI- BETA UK Beta Beta Beta Biology Honors Society
OVERHEADS used in class:
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