**Directions**Directions to UK and Lexington, KY (http://www.uky.edu/CampusGuide/) How to get to UK SEE- http://www.uky.edu/ThisIsUK/visitorcenter/directionsweekends.htm Map of UK campus and of the day events (PDF color, PDF black and white, PDF for directions) one should only park in the Limestone parking garage (Parking structure #5see map and photo) across from the student center. Take foot bridge over Limestone to student center. If #5 parking structure is full one can park in Parking Structure #7 (across campus). Here is the link to its location (LINK). Map is on that link. Also one can use the Young Library parking lots. The parking passes you give us will be replaced with a free pass you can use to exit these parking places. MAP of campus places- Download (PDF -or- directions) http://www.uky.edu/CampusGuide/ STUDENT BALLROOM |