Educational content related to Smoking-COPD-pH balance |
The purpose of this web page is to provide information for ongoing outreach projects with researchers, science teachers in middle and high schools as well as the general public. We are designing educational modules for middle and high school teachers. The teachers can then use material as needed for their educational units. |
Too often life science is distilled into disparate facts addressing major biological concepts, but lacking purpose for learning and applying knowledge to real world contexts. The driving principle of this project is to build learning modules employing real world scenarios to foster authentic scientific investigation in biological sciences. Content addressed in modules aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards (Achieve, Inc., 2013) for middle and secondary life science, Engineering Design, and Science and Engineering Practices, and promotes critical thinking skills in biological science. |
Resources: Papers and web links American Lung Association: www.lung.org COPD Help: www.copdhelp.ca/en/home/ KY MAPS of health issues in relation to the rest of the USA ....(PDF1 ..... PDF2) Information on COPD and O2 ... Go To Poster presenting how much do we know about COPD and related pH balance Go To ppt Educational ppt on the COPD and related pH balance Go To ppt Raurich, J.M., Rialp, G., Ibáñez, J., Ayestarán, I., Llompart-Pou, J. A. and Togores, B. (2009) Hypercapnia test and weaning outcome from mechanical ventilation in COPD patients. Anesthesia Intensive Care 37(5):726-732. Samolski, D., Tárrega, J., Antón, A., Mayos, M., Martí, S., Farrero, E., and Güell, R. (2010) Sleep hypoventilation due to increased nocturnal oxygen flow in hypercapnic. COPD patients. Respirology 15(2):283-288. Zapata P, Larrain C, Rivera M, Calderon C. 2009. Cardiovascular responses to hyperoxic withdrawal of arterial chemosensory drive. Adv Exp Med Biol. 648:290-297. COPD-pamphlet-new2014 (PDF 2 pages) Cigarette Smoking Review on effects (PDF) Smoking and vascular risk (PDF) Smoking and coronary blood flow (PDF) Will the Next Generation of Safer Cigarettes Be Safer (PDF) Targeting the Epigenome in Lung Cancer-Expanding Approaches to Epigenetic Therapy (PDF) Epigenetic Control
of Gene Expression is a free online class: Implications for environmental health of multiple stressors (PDF) COPD Oxygen Therapy (PDF) Differential effects of non-nicotine tobacco constituent (PDF) Ultrafine particles in cities (PDF) References for project COPD literature (PDF) |
Participants designing this content are : Jacob Sifers, KBRIN Univ of KY KYLE RITTER, Centre College, KY REBECCA KRALL, Dept. of STEM, Univ. of KY SUSAN MAYO, P-12 Math and Science Outreach Unit of PIMSER, Univ. of KY. DIANE JOHNSON, P-12 Math and Science Outreach Unit of PIMSER, Univ. of KY. KIM ZEIDLER-WATTERS, P-12 Math and Science Outreach Unit of PIMSER, Univ. of KY. ROBIN L. COOPER, Dept. of Biol., & Center for Muscle Biology, Univ. of KY. (Click on icons below for links to groups) |
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maintained by Robin L. Cooper. Contact: RLCOOP1 at UKY.EDU |