REST: A Robust and Efficient Statistical Test

Katherine L. Thompson1 and Shili Lin2
1Department of Statistics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40536
2Department of Statistics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210

The following code is an implementation of the method described in the following manuscript (available upon request):
Thompson, K.L. and S. Lin. 2016. A Robust and Efficient Statistical Test, Submitted.
About the Program
This code calculates the robust and efficient test (REST) statistic used to search for differentially expressed genes among cancer and normal patients. The method includes a hypothesis test to search for for heterogeneous differential expression in cancer samples that can guide the choice of an appropriate tuning parameter used in the REST statistic.

  • (Source code and example data)

Instructions to analyze the example data:
  1. In R, run the code in the script entitled 'restfunctions.R'
  2. Check to see that the data files are in the current working directory.
  3. In R, run the code in the script entitled 'rest_analysis_examples.R' to see the output from the example data analysis.
Contact Information:
Questions or comments concerning this software can be e-mailed to me at