A Chapter of the

American Physiological Society (APS)

Election Page




By-Laws PDF


Election page




This chapter was established in 2012 for state wide participation of KY-PHYS members

July 19, 2013
Dear Kentucky members of the state chapter (KyPhys) and fellow physiologist,

Recall Dr. Irving Joshua will move on to be president of the KY APS Chapter for 2013-2014.

We have three nominations for a new President Elect for 2013-2014.
Bio sketches are listed. (download PDF here )

Just copy and paste the name of your choice in an email to me.

1. Dr. Michael Fultz
Associate Professor of Biology
Department of Biology and Chemistry
Morehead State University

2. Dr. Wasana Sumanasekera
Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmacy, Sullivan University

3. Dr. Suresh C. Tyagi
Professor of Physiology & Biophysics, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky; Stodghill Endowed Chair in Biomedical Sciences, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky; and Vice Chair for Research, Physiology & Biophysics, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky

We will now hold an email vote from July 19, 2013. Election will close on August 10, 2013.

Only votes from paid members will counted in the election. Please check your status and email me any oversights or corrections needed. If you have not paid your annual chapter due of $10 please do so ASAP

by check made out to “KyPhys” and mailed to:

Dr. Francisco H. Andrade (Treasurer- KyPhys)

Department of Physiology, MS 508 University of Kentucky 800 Rose St. Lexington KY 40536-0298
Contact: (859) 323 6576

Dr. Robin L. Cooper
Past President of KyPhys


Nominations will be taken in the business meeting at the annual meeting March 25, 2013. An email will be sent to all KY APS members to join the KY-PHYS by paying the annual dues for 2012-2013 of $10. This $10 also serves as a registration fee for the annual meeting for those attending. Voting for officers will take place via email shortly after the nominations are gathered and a slate of candidates are provided on a web page and disseminated by email.

If you can not attend the general meeting or the business meeting for any reason, one can mail in the $10 membership fee for voting rights. Our By-Laws allow for voting via email. Mail checks (made out to "KY-PHYS") to:

Dr. Francisco H. Andrade
Department of Physiology, MS 508
University of Kentucky
800 Rose St.
Lexington KY 40536-0298

Contact: (859) 323 6576

Annual dues shall be determined and paid on at the annual meetings. Any member whose dues have not been paid within six months of this date shall be dropped from active membership. Reinstatement shall be accomplished by reapplication and submission of the annual dues required. Any dues for membership in The Society shall not be prorated for a partial year. The Society promotes equal opportunity and diversity in membership.


SECTION 1: The officers of The Society shall be the President, Past President, President-Elect, and Secretary/Treasurer. Officers will be elected and their terms will commence at the annual meeting.

SECTION 2: The President shall call meetings, determine the annual meeting theme, and serve as the annual meeting coordinator as required to conduct The Society's business and shall serve a one year term after which he/she serves as Past President.

SECTION 3: The President-Elect shall serve together with the President, for one year and then become President to work together with the new President-Elect and the Past President. The President-Elect shall act as President in absence of the President.

SECTION 4: The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve three years and be responsible for the preservation of The Society's funds and shall report on financial status and shall disperse funds as authorized by a majority of the membership, the unanimous consensus of the Executive Committee, or as contained in the budget prepared by the Executive Committee. The Secretary/Treasurer shall also be responsible for any income tax filings. The Secretary/Treasurer will obtain the list of Kentucky membership on an annual basis.


SECTION 1: Elections shall be held around the annual meeting time and may occur via email. The Past President will manage the election process and be privy to the voting tally for dissemination of the results.

SECTION 2: The Executive Committee shall solicit from the membership nominees for officers.

SECTION 3: The list of nominees shall be presented to the membership in the form of a ballot which may take place via email. The voting shall be anonymous.