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For more information about International Science andEngineering Fair see :

A list in PDF format or MS WORD is able to be downloaded by clicking here (PDF) (MS WORD).

Awards presented at the CKRSEF 2006 are as follows:

4, 2006

Opening Remarks by Ms. Laura Hibbard,
UK recruiting office

Welcoming by Dr. Phil Kraemer,
Associate Provost Office of Undergraduate Education

Susan Lancho
Announces support for Science and Engineering fairs in the state of KY.
by American Water, Southeast Region - KY/TN. KY American Water is a co-sponsor of the fair

Ms. Laura Hibbard announces awards

The ASM International Foundation offers an award of a certificate and a medallion for an exhibit related to materials science.
Edouard Bahous, Sayre School, Flexural Reinforcement Using SRP

AWG Award
A certificate award from the Association for Women Geoscientists was presented to a female student for outstanding work in the geosciences.
Tess Simon, Sayre, The Effect of Chemical and Organic Fertilizers on Grass Seed and Water Runoff

RICOH CORP for the sustainable development award. Technical innovations for increasing our ability to grow
environmentally friendly and socially responsible businesses.

Edouard Bahous, Sayre School, Flexural Reinforcement Using SRP

Ryan McGregor, Captial Area Christian Homeschool,
The Influence of Chemicals on the Clearance Rates of Asian Clams (Corbicula fluminea)

Sergeant Bradley Updyke from The United States Air Force and Commander Chris Davis from the US NAVY
honored the following projects with certificates and a briefcase, calculator, and pencil case.

Sourav Dey, Beaumont Middle School, Don't Destroy Your Brain
Tess Simon, Sayre, The Effect of Chemical and Organic Fertilizers on Grass Seed and Water Runoff
Doug Denniston, Paul Laurence Dunbar, The Effect of Caffeine, Nicotine and Alcohol on Antibiotic Effectiveness
Stephanie Bachas-Daunert, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Quorum Sensing Biomarker Assay for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Chrohn's Disease

From the US NAVY presented the following awards

Junior Division
Sourav Dey, Beaumont Middle School, Don't Destroy Your Brain
Lucia Arthur-Paratley, Bryan Station MS, Does Education, income or unemployment affect recruitment into the military?
Daniel Webb, Winburn Middle School, Don't let the bedbugs bite!

Senior Division
Ann Cooper, Lafayette Senior High, Nerve Terminal Regulation With Muscle Atrophy and Regeneration
Stephanie Bachas-Daunert, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Quorum Sensing Biomarker Assay for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Chrohn's Disease

Polo T-Shirt, Certificate and electronic goodies

Zach Kratzer, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Selective Heating of Nanoscale Gold Particles
Lana Wear, Sayre School, Trash Talk: The Truth about Decomposition
Edouard Bahous, Sayre School, Flexural Reinforcement Using SRP
Ryan Will, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Effects of JH and 20E on Immunity in Moth Larva
John Soleimani-Meigooni, Henry Clay, Determination of Therapeutic Advantage of GRID Radiation Therapy Using Film and Thermoluminescent Dosimetry

Certificates from the ARMY
Elizabeth Riley, Henry Clay High School, Developmental Changes in Children\'s Story Narration
Sasha Zbrozek, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Surface Tension Driven Interactive Molten Metallic Flow
Katie Gardner, Sayre School, Dissipation of Crude Oil with Different Solutions
David Tao, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Genetic Variation in Neural vs. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Turnover in Inbred Mice
Comeron Ghobadi, Lafayette High School, Molecular Imprinting: Protein Selectivity on Artificial Bone Scaffolds.

US ARMY Bronze medal for Excellence
Ryan Will, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Effects of JH and 20E on Immunity in Moth Larva



Dr. Bruce Walcott, Associate Dean of The College Engineering announces:
The University of Kentucky College of Engineering presents a monetary award for the most outstanding project relating engineering and computer science.

Andrew Watts, Tates Creek Middle, The effect of Bridge Length on Load Capacity

Dr. Bruce Walcott, Associate Dean of The College Engineering announces:
The National Society for Engineers gave 1 certificate, lapel pin and subscription
to Engineering Times to an outstanding Engineering project.

Edouard Bahous, Sayre School, Flexural Reinforcement Using SRP

Dr. Bruce Walcott, Associate Dean of The College Engineering announces:
The International Society for Optical Engineering provides on certificate and a chance for a $100 prize.

Yuji Yokoi, Sayre School, Light Refraction in Salt Water

Dr. Bruce Walcott, Associate Dean of The College Engineering announces: Intel Excellence in Computer Science Award
Intel presents this award certificate and $200 for the outstanding project in high school.
John Soleimani-Meigooni, Henry Clay, Determination of Therapeutic Advantage of GRID
Radiation Therapy Using Film and Thermoluminescent Dosimetry

Dr. Bruce Walcott, Associate Dean of The College Engineering announces:
Herbert Hoover Young Engineer Award. This award of a medallion and certificate is
presented to an outstanding project in the senior division relating to engineering fundamentals and their communication.

Stephanie Bachas-Daunert, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Quorum Sensing Biomarker Assay for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Chrohn's Disease

Dr. Bruce Walcott, Associate Dean of The College Engineering announces:
U. S. Metric Association. A certificate award is presented to a student whose
project is outstanding in its incorporation of quantitative measurements and use of SI units.

Joshua Pennington, Casey County High School, How many batteries does it take to light a light bulb?

Dr. Bruce Walcott, Associate Dean of The College Engineering announces:
U. S. Public Health Service Award
The Surgeon General's special award certificate is presented to a student whose project focuses on promoting healthy
lifestyles through the benefits physical activity, balanced nutrition, and/or avoidance of tobacco.

Stephanie Bachas-Daunert, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Quorum Sensing Biomarker Assay for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Chrohn's Disease

Dr. Ruth Beattie Announces: UK Department of Biology Awards
The University of Kentucky Department of Biology presents a monetary award for an outstanding project relating to the life sciences.
for each an outstanding project relating to the life sciences.Richard Singleton, St. Leo School, Gone with the bacteria

$ 20- Meg Mills, Julius Marks Elementary School, Fingerprint Detective
$ 20- Marie Armbruster, Maxwell Elementary, Does Squinting Help?
$ 20- Maeley McGaughey, Glendover, TGIF
$ 20- Abigail Clayton, Maxwell Elementary School, Creek Chemistry
$ 20- Daniel Sedlacek, St. Leo School, The Biggest "Gainers": Roaches on Chow or Roaches on Rice?
$ 20- Lauren Davidson, St. Leo, Mysterious Mitosis
$ 20- Alexis Bell, Squires Elementary, Oh No Mold
$ 20- Yuina Nakagawa, Beaumont Middle School, What Type of Fruits or Vegetables Make Meat Tender?

Dr. Robert Lorch Jr. provided the Department of Pyschology, UK Department of Psychology Awards
The University of Kentucky Department of Psychology presents a monetary award for an outstanding projects
relating to Psychology.

$ ?- Elizabeth Riley, Henry Clay High School, Developmental Changes in Children's Story Narration
$ ?- Dylan Sarkisian, Glendover, Hang Up and Drive

Dr. Robert Lorch Jr. from the Department of Pyschology choose the American Psychological Association
American Psychological Association offers a certificate for outstanding research in psychology under the category of
behavioral and social sciences.

Elizabeth Riley, Henry Clay High School, Developmental Changes in Children's Story Narration

Dr. Ed DeMoll from the Department of Chemistry presented the UK Department of Chemistry Award
The University of Kentucky Department of Biology presents a monetary award for an outstanding project relating to chemistry.

$75- Stephanie Bachas-Daunert, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Quorum Sensing Biomarker Assay for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Chrohn's Disease
$50- Clay Turner, Lafayette High School, The Effects of Dopamine on Behavior and Development in Drosophila
$50- 2nd place - Katie Gardner, Sayre School, Dissipation of Crude Oil with Different Solutions
$25- Sourav Dey, Beaumont Middle School, Don't Destroy Your Brain
$25- Christopher Chow, Glendover, Plants and Fertilizers
$25- Miles Kilgore, SCAPA, Different Wavelengths of Light on Ability of a Photovoltaic Cell to Generate Electric Current
$25- Kristin Andres, Winburn Middle School, Dioxin, the Toxic Gender Bender
$25- Anuj Patwardhan, Winburn Middle School, Metals Leaching in Water

Dr. Korsch from the Department of Physics presented the
UK Department of Physics Awards (certificates and cash prizes)

$ 50- Sasha Zbrozek, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Surface Tension Driven Interactive Molten Metallic Flow
$ 25- Zebadiah Claytor, BlueGrass Baptist School, "Let's Wrap It Up Magnetically"
$ 25- Matthew Neal, Athens Elementary, Conducting Fruits and Vegetables

Junior Division
Grade 4
Awards in the junior division were presented in nine categories. Students received CKRSEF award medals and
a sack of science toys.

Behavioral Science
1st place- Marie Armbruster, Maxwell Elementary, Does Squinting Help?
2nd place- Maeley McGaughey, Glendover, TGIF

1st place - Susie Saffari, Maxwell Elementary, Clean and Green
2nd place- Jeremy Hostetler, Dixie Magnet Elementary, Which has more volts

1st place - Urvi Patwardhan, SCAPA Bluegrass, Will Changes in Temperature Affect the Acidity of Creek Water?
2nd place - Megan McCarthy, St.Leo, What Puts The Pop in Pop?
3rd place - Elizabeth Minor, Meadowthorpe Elementary,Icy Insulators

Earth and Space Science
1st place - Valerie Sarge, Meadowthorpe Elementary, Water Quality
2nd place - Brittany Ragland, Dixie Magnet Elementary School, The Soil Race
3rd place - Andrea Laporte, Julia R. Ewan Elementary School, How fast does water travel through different types of soil?

1st place - Jacob Wachal, Veterans Park Elementary, How Good Is Your Topical Antibiotic?
2nd place - Abigail DeSantis, Lansdowne Elementary, Who Is Dirtier?
3rd place - Morgan Johnson, Stonewall Elementary School, Be Aware of What's in Your Air

1st place - Caroline Pellegrino, SCAPA Bluegrass, Freaky Frozen Liquids
2nd place - Ryan Roark, St. Leo School, How Far Will It Go?

1st place - Daniel Sedlacek, St. Leo School, The Biggest,"Gainers": Roaches on Chow or Roaches on Rice?
2nd place - Meg Mills, Julius Marks Elementary School, Fingerprint Detective
3rd place - Nicolas Ogden, Millcreek Elementary, Hermit Crabs on the Move

1st place - Veronica Haggard, Stonewall Elementary, "unknown"
2nd place - Taylor Hood, Glendover, Building Better Bridges
3rd place - James Bidwell, James Lane Allen Elementary,Battle of the Brands

Environmental Science
1st place -Sara Arthur-Paratley, Maxwell Elementary, Does Trash Decompose Faster in a Landfill or Open Soil?

Team projects
1st place - Allison Cope & Mary Plymale, Cassidy, How Does Acid Rain Affect Plant Growth?
2nd place - Savannah See & Jamie Highland, Stonewall Elementary, All About Dogs

OVERALL WINNERS of 4th grade

$25- 1st place- Marie Armbruster, Maxwell Elementary, Does Squinting Help?
$25- 2nd place - Urvi Patwardhan, SCAPA Bluegrass, Will Changes in Temperature Affect the Acidity of Creek Water?
$25- Jacob Wachal, Veterans Park Elementary, How Good Is Your Topical Antibiotic?


Grades 5 to 8

1. Behavioral Science
1st place - Richard Cooper, Glendover, Murder Scene
2nd place - Cassady Gorrell, Julius Marks Elementary School, What Tunes You In
3rd place - Dylan Sarkisian, Glendover, Hang Up and Drive

2. Botany
1st place - Joy Arosemena, Lexington Traditional Magnet School, Rain, Rain Go Away
2nd place - Elizabeth Hansen, Morton Middle School, Effect of Salt in Irrigation Water on Plant Growth
3rd place - Christopher Chow, Glendover, Plants and Fertilizers

3. Chemistry
1st place - Sourav Dey, Beaumont Middle School, Don't Destroy Your Brain
2nd place - Abigail Clayton, Maxwell Elementary School, Creek
3rd place - Ryan Mumper, LTMS, The Power of Osmosis

4. Earth and Space Science
1st place - Adrienne Kinney, Glendover, Drink Upstream from the Herd
2nd place - Maddie Miller, St. Leo, Whacking Waves
3rd place - Anuj Patwardhan, Winburn Middle School, Metals Leaching in Water

5. Microbiology
1st place - Rahul Joseph, Winburn Middle School, Inhibitory Effects of Spices against E.coli
2nd place - Christopher Mills, Bryan Station MS, Cat Plaque Attack
3rd place - Clay Gonzalez, SCAPA Bluegrass, Bacterium Delerium

6. Physics
1st place - Zebadiah Claytor, BlueGrass Baptist School, "Let's Wrap It Up Magnetically"
2nd place - Leah Douglas, Winburn Middle School, Viscosity and Velocity
3rd place - Lewis Armistead, Trinity Christian Academy, Catapult Physics

7. Zoology
1st place - Kylah Rymond, Morton, On a Diet
2nd place - Daniel Webb, Winburn Middle School, Don't let the bedbugs bite!
3rd place - Kristin Andres, Winburn Middle School, Dioxin, the Toxic Gender Bender

8. Engineering
1st place - Marylynne Anderson-Cooper, Bryan Station MS, Whoosh Power
2nd place - Andrew Watts, Tates Creek Middle, The effect of Bridge Length on Load Capacity
3rd place - Asha Langton, Lexington Traditional Magnet School, Soak it All Up

9. Environmental Science
1st place - Anna Fedorchuk, St. Leo, Limestone Lifesaver
2nd place - Christopher Burnett, Trimble Co. Schools
3rd place - Stephen Trippett, Beaumont Middle School

OVERALL of 5th-8th grade

$ 50 - 1st - Richard Cooper, Glendover, Murder Scene
$ 25 - 2nd - Sourav Dey, Beaumont Middle School, Don't Destroy Your Brain
$ 25 - 3rd - Zebadiah Claytor, BlueGrass Baptist School, "Let's Wrap It Up Magnetically"

First place overall was given a trophy.
Second place overall was given a trophy.
Third place overall was given a trophy

The Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge (DCYSC) is a competition designed to award students in the 5th through 8th grades for their knowledge of science and their ability to communicate effectively about science. Each person awarded at our fair will now compete at a national level. They are to submit a series of written essays of their research as stipulated in the guide book provided to them at the fair.
The projects chosen for this award from our Regional fair are:

Anna Fedorchuk, St. Leo, Limestone Lifesaver
Marylynne Anderson-Cooper, Bryan Station MS, Whoosh Power
Kylah Rymond, Morton, On a Diet
Zebadiah Claytor, BlueGrass Baptist School, "Let's Wrap It Up Magnetically"
Rahul Joseph, Winburn Middle School, Inhibitory Effects of Spices against E.coli
Adrienne Kinney, Glendover, Drink Upstream from the Herd
Sourav Dey, Beaumont Middle School, Don't Destroy Your Brain
Joy Arosemena, Lexington Traditional Magnet School, Rain, Rain Go Away
Richard Cooper, Glendover, Muder Scene


A SPECIAL AWARD to the school and Science teacher (5th-8th) with the most winning category awards is : Winburn Middle School


Senior Division (HIGH SCHOOL)
Awards in the senior division were:

Senior Division (HIGH SCHOOL)
Awards in the senior division were:

1. Behavioral and Social Science
1st place - Elizabeth Riley, Henry Clay High School, Developmental Changes in Children\'s Story Narration
2nd place - Ben Colclough, Sayre School, The Effects of Circadian Rhythm on Ahpid Reproduction

2. Biochemistry
1st place - Stephanie Bachas-Daunert, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Quorum Sensing Biomarker Assay for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Chrohn's Disease
2nd place - Ryan Will, P.L. Dunbar, Effects of Juvenile Hormone and 20-hydroxyecdysone on the immune response in larva Heliothis virescens

3. Chemistry
1st place - Sasha Zbrozek, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Surface Tension Driven Interactive Molten Metallic Flow
2nd place - Katie Gardner, Sayre School, Dissipation of Crude Oil with Different Solutions
3rd place - Hunter Stephan, Sayre School,Salt Water Dining on Metal\'s Last Shining

4. Engineering
1st place - Zach Kratzer, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Selective Heating of Nanoscale Gold Particles

5. Environmental Sciences
1st place - Tess Simon, Sayre, The Effect of Chemical and Organic Fertilizers on Grass Seed and Water Runoff
2nd place - Lana Wear, Sayre School, Trash Talk: The Truth about Decomposition

6. Medicine and Health
1st place - David Tao, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Genetic Variation in Neural vs. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Turnover in Inbred Mice
2nd place - Comeron Ghobadi, Lafayette High School, Molecular Imprinting: Protein Selectivity on Artificial Bone Scaffolds.

7. Microbiology
1st place - Doug Denniston, Paul Laurence Dunbar, The Effect of Caffeine, Nicotine and Alcohol on Antibiotic Effectiveness
2nd place - Zachariah Claytor, BlueGrass Baptist School, Stop the Spread of Strep

8. Physics
1st place - Edouard Bahous, Sayre School, Flexural Reinforcement Using SRP
2nd place - Navid John Soleimani-Meigooni, Henry Clay High School, Determination of Therapeutic Advantage of GRID Radiation Therapy Using Film and Thermoluminescent Dosimetry
3rd place - Yuji Yokoi, Sayre School, Light Refraction in Salt Water

9. Zoology
1st place - Clay Turner, Lafayette High School, The Effects of Dopamine on Behavior and Development in Drosophila
2nd place - Ann Cooper, Lafayette Senior High, Nerve Terminal Regulation With Muscle Atrophy and Regeneration

10. Team Projects
1st place - Laura Steinmetz, David Wang & Greg Artiushin, Paul Laurence Dunbar, The Effects of Livestock Antibiotics on Nitrogen Cycling Soil Microorganisms
2nd place - J. P. Stilz, Yuan Wen & George Zhang, Paul Laurence Dunbar, AIDS Inhibition: Silencing of TAT Expression Mouse Cells


OVERALL WINNERS of 9th-12 grade-High School

1st - Sasha Zbrozek

Paul Laurence Dunbar, Surface Tension Driven Interactive Molten Metallic Flow

2nd - Stephanie Bachas-Daunert

Paul Laurence Dunbar, Quorum Sensing Biomarker Assay for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Chrohn's

3rd - Clay Turner

Lafayette High School, The Effects of Dopamine on Behavior and Development in Drosophila


Mr. Clay Turner being presented his award at his home.

The OVERALL winners received

1st ($100), 2nd ($75), 3rd ($50)

in gift certificates to Office DEPOT for Office Depot.

First place overall - a trophy and an all-expenses-paid trip to
the International Science and Engineering Fair for the student.
Second place overall - a
trophy, and an all-expenses-paid
trip to the International Science and Engineering Fair for the student

Third place overall - a trophy

1st place team project- all expenses-paid
trip to the International Science and Engineering Fair for the students



KY state fair

Richard Cooper, Glendover, Muder Scene
Cassady Gorrell, Julius Marks Elementary School, What Tunes You In
Dylan Sarkisian, Glendover, Hang Up and Drive
Joy Arosemena, Lexington Traditional Magnet School, Rain, Rain Go Away
Elizabeth Hansen, Morton Middle School, Effect of Salt in Irrigation Water on Plant Growth
Christopher Chow, Glendover, Plants and Fertilizers
Sourav Dey, Beaumont Middle School, Don't Destroy Your Brain
Abigail Clayton, Maxwell Elementary School, Creek
Ryan Mumper, LTMS, The Power of Osmosis
Adrienne Kinney, Glendover, Drink Upstream from the Herd
Maddie Miller, St. Leo, Whacking Waves
Rahul Joseph, Winburn Middle School, Inhibitory Effects of Spices against E.coli
Christopher Mills, Bryan Station MS, Cat Plaque Attack
Zebadiah Claytor, BlueGrass Baptist School, "Let's Wrap It Up Magnetically"
Leah Douglas, Winburn Middle School, Viscosity and Velocity
Lewis Armistead, Trinity Christian Academy, Catapult Physics
Kylah Rymond, Morton, On a Diet
Daniel Webb, Winburn Middle School, Don't let the bedbugs bite!
Marylynne Anderson-Cooper, Bryan Station MS, Whoosh Power
Andrew Watts, Tates Creek Middle, The effect of Bridge Length on Load Capacity
Asha Langton, Lexington Traditional Magnet School, Soak it All Up
Anna Fedorchuk, St. Leo, Limestone Lifesaver
Christopher Burnett, Casey Co., Title?
Elizabeth Riley, Henry Clay High School, Developmental Changes in Children\'s Story Narration
Ben Colclough, Sayre School, The Effects of Circadian Rhythm on Ahpid Reproduction
Stephanie Bachas-Daunert, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Quorum Sensing Biomarker Assay for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Chrohn's Disease
Ryan Will, P.L. Dunbar, Effects of Juvenile Hormone and 20-hydroxyecdysone on the immune response in larva Heliothis virescens
Sasha Zbrozek, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Surface Tension Driven Interactive Molten Metallic Flow
Katie Gardner, Sayre School, Dissipation of Crude Oil with Different Solutions
Hunter Stephan, Sayre School,Salt Water Dining on Metal\'s Last Shining
Zach Kratzer, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Selective Heating of Nanoscale Gold Particles
Tess Simon, Sayre, The Effect of Chemical and Organic Fertilizers on Grass Seed and Water Runoff
Lana Wear, Sayre School, Trash Talk: The Truth about Decomposition
David Tao, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Genetic Variation in Neural vs. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Turnover in Inbred Mice
Comeron Ghobadi, Lafayette High School, Molecular Imprinting: Protein Selectivity on Artificial Bone Scaffolds.
Doug Denniston, Paul Laurence Dunbar, The Effect of Caffeine, Nicotine and Alcohol on Antibiotic Effectiveness
Zachariah Claytor, BlueGrass Baptist School, Stop the Spread of Strep
Edouard Bahous, Sayre School, Flexural Reinforcement Using SRP
Navid John Soleimani-Meigooni, Henry Clay High School, Determination of Therapeutic Advantage of GRID Radiation Therapy Using Film and
Yuji Yokoi, Sayre School, Light Refraction in Salt Water
Clay Turner, Lafayette High School, The Effects of Dopamine on Behavior and Development in Drosophila
Ann Cooper, Lafayette Senior High, Nerve Terminal Regulation With Muscle Atrophy and Regeneration
Laura Steinmetz, David Wang & Greg Artiushin, Paul Laurence Dunbar, The Effects of Livestock Antibiotics on Nitrogen Cycling Soil Microorganisms
J. P. Stilz, Yuan Wen & George Zhang, Paul Laurence Dunbar, AIDS Inhibition: Silencing of TAT Expression Mouse Cells