The Department of Statistics serves over 4000 undergraduates per year in our new statistical reasoning course, STA 210 course; and about 1500 per year in our newly revised methods course, STA 291. This service mission, in conjunction with an active minor degree and several 300-level STA courses, comprise the Department’s primary undergraduate focus. The Director of Undergraduate Studies serves as one of three officers in the Department (along with the Chair and the Director of Graduate Studies) and has responsibilities that include:
- Setting the course schedule for graduate and undergraduate courses;
- Making the faculty and TA teaching assignments;
- Managing the statistical laboratory and classroom space in MDS 335, MDS 337, CB 307 and 309;
- Coordinating the evaluation of all teaching assistants;
- Advising of all minors students;
- Overseeing the TA training course (STA 600);
- Deciding on course equivalencies and study abroad transfer credit;
- Handling all override requests.
If you need additional information on any of these items, please pursue the links at the left or contact Dr. Bill Rayens who is currently serving as the DUS for STA.