








Stewart, I. R. K. and D. F. Westneat. 2013. Patterns of hatching failure in the house sparrow, Passer domesticus. Journal of Avian Biology 44: 69-79.

Sousa, B. F. and D. F. Westneat. 2013. Patterns of social and extra-pair mating in a polygynous songbird, the dickcissel (Spiza americana).  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 243-255.

Westneat, D. F., Schofield, M. & Wright, J. 2013. Parental behavior exhibits between-individual variance, plasticity and heterogeneous residual variance. Behavioral Ecology 24: 598-604.

Diep, S. K. and D. F. Westneat. 2013. Integration of function and ontogeny in the evolution of status signals. Behaviour 150: 1015-1044.


Westneat, D. F. 2012. Evolution in response to social selection: The importance of interactive effects of traits on fitness. Evolution 66: 890-895.

Wetzel D.P, Westneat D. F., and I. R. K. Stewart. 2012. Individual heterozygosity predicts clutch and egg size in a wild house sparrow population with no inbreeding. Molecular Ecology 21: 406-420. (3)

Cassone, V.M. and D. F. Westneat. 2012. The bird of time: cognition and the avian biological clock. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience.

Ensminger, A. L. and D. F. Westneat. 2012. Personality and plasticity in habituation and neophobia in male and female house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Ethology 118:1-11.

Lüpold, S., Birkhead, T. R. and D. F. Westneat. 2012. Seasonal variation in ejaculate traits of male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 1607-1617.


Hartman, P.J, Wetzel, D.P., Crowley, P. H., and D. F. Westneat. 2011. The impact of extra-pair mating behavior on hybridization and genetic introgression. Theoretical Ecology, 12: 219-229.

Schrey, A., Grispo, M., Awad, M., Cook, M., McCoy, E., Mushinsky, H., Albayrak, T., Bensch, S., Butler, L.,  Fokidis, H., Jensen, H.,  Imboma, T., Kessler-Rios, M., Marzal, A., Stewart, I.R.K., Westerdahl, H., Westneat, D.F., Martin, L. B., Zehtindjiev, P. 2011. Broad-scale latitudinal patterns of genetic diversity among native European and introduced house sparrow (Passer domesticus) populations. Molecular Ecology 20: 1133-1143.

Lüpold, S., Birkhead, T. R., and Westneat D. F. 2011. Geographical variation in sperm morphology in the red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus). Evolutionary Ecology, 25: 373-390.


Stewart, IRK and Westneat DF. 2010. Dietary calcium negatively affects the size of a status signal in juvenile male house sparrows (Passer domesticus). The Auk 127:549-557.

Westneat, D.F. and C. W. Fox (eds). 2010. Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology. Oxford University Press.

Stewart, S. L. M., Westneat, D. F., and Ritchison G. 2010. Extra-pair paternity in eastern bluebirds: Effects of manipulated density and natural patterns of breeding synchrony. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64:463-473.


Kinnard T. B. and Westneat D. F. 2009. Phenotypic and genetic variance of house sparrows, Passer domesticus, early in development. The Auk 126: 884-895.

Westneat, DF and Sih, A. 2009. Sexual conflict as a partitioning of selection. Biology Letters 5: 675-677.

Wetzel, D. P. and Westneat, D. F. 2009. Heterozygosity and extra-pair paternity: Biased tests result from the use of shared markers. Molecular Ecology 9: 2010-2021.

Lüpold S,


GM, Rivers JW, Westneat DF, Birkhead TR. 2009. Sperm competition selects beyond relative testes size in birds. Evolution 63: 391-402.

Westneat DF, Stewart IRK, and Hatch MI. 2009. Complex interactions among temporal variables affect the plasticity of clutch size in a multi-brooded bird. Ecology 90:1162-1174.

Dzialak, M.R., K. M. Carter, M. J. Lacki, D.F. Westneat, and K. Anderson. 2009. Activity of post-fledging peregrine falcons in different rearing and habitat conditions.  Southeastern Naturalist 8: 93-106.


, SG, Powell, KA, Westneat, DF, and Shepherd, BS. 2009. Seasonal and sex-specific mRNA levels of key endocrine genes in adult yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from

Lake Erie

. Marine Biotechnology 11: 210-222.


Morrison, E.B., Kinnard, T. B., Stewart,


R. K, Poston, J. P., Hatch, M. I. and Westneat, D. F. 2008. The links between plumage variation and nest site occupancy in male house sparrows. The Condor 110: 345-353.


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