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Summer 2011

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Biological Sciences, Rm. 202 Lab


LAB OUTLINE for Biology 350

BIO350: Lab Schedule for Bio 350, Summer 2011


Labs are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Note: Days with a * we are covering 2 different labs in the same lab period (Work efficiently these days to get out on time)

May 10 (Tues)
11 (Wed) Modeling biological membranes and learn to use volt meters (LAB PAGE-Model)
12 (Thur)
*13 (Fri) Electrical conduction properties (crayfish ventral nerve cord) (LAB PAGE- VNC)
.................Proprioception. Crayfish MRO organ (LAB PAGE-MRO)
16 (Mon) Integration of sensory - crayfish 6th abd ganglion and primary neurons (LAB PAGE-6th Abd ganglion)
17 (Tues)
18 (Wed) Intracellular recordings- ion movements (RP-ions, Nernst eq, GHK, crayfish abdomen deep extensor prep) (LAB PAGE- RP)
19 (Thur)
20 (Fri) Synaptic physiology- crayfish abdomen deep extensor phasic and tonic muscles (LAB PAGE- muscle)
*23 (Mon) Crayfish GI (LAB PAGE- GI) & Respiration in humans (LAB PAGE- Human breathing)
24 (Tue)
*25 (Wed)  ---- MOVING THIS LAB TO FRIDAY THIS SAME WEEK ::: Friday lab is-Heart rate in crustaceans/insects (Ghost shrimp/Drosophila lab) (LAB PAGE-Shrimp heart)
& Human heart EKG (LAB PAGE-EKG)
26 (Thur)
27 (Fri) MOVING THIS LAB TO WED THIS SAME WEEK ::: Wed lab is - Water balance in invertebrates and Humans (osmotic stress in crayfish) (LAB PAGE- OSM crayfish)
30 (Mon) Holiday
31 (Tue)
June 1
(Wed) Endocrine and behavior: Invertebrates (LAB PAGE- Endocrine)
2 (Thur)
3 (Fri) No Lab Review for Final exam
6 (Mon) No Lab (Lab write ups are due at the beginning of lecture class. 8:00 AM)
7 (Tue) No Lab…….. Final Exam Day



Each lab exercise will have a www page associated with it. On the www page one will find movies, protocols to conduct the laboratory exercise, and resources to download. It is expected that one will view the movie and laboratory protocols prior to coming to the lab period. There will be a prequiz upon arriving in the lab. This quiz will also be used for purposes of an attendance check. The quiz will address the purpose of the laboratory exercise and the basics of how it will be conducted.
There will be two formal laboratory reports due. One will be due by midterm and the other will be due by the beginning of dead week (assignments are not suppose to be given during dead week by UK policy rules). The write up exercise will need to be as if you were planning to submit it to a journal for peer review by other research scientist. The format will be as that described for the Journal of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. Go to the www and look up information for authors on this journal's home page.

SAMPLES: Letter to students via BB (MS word, PDF)

Sample cover letter to paper-1; Sample paper-1; when published-PDF-1

Sample cover letter to paper-2; Sample paper-2; when published-PDF-2

More detail on the grading for the lab write up. PDF.

STATS, graphs and group data for the lab write up. PDF.


The results of your laboratory exercises and of all the other students across all sections will be posted on line. This data is to be used in your formal write ups. Put your results in perspective of the whole. Statistical analysis is REQUIRED and discussion of the analysis is expected.

Each laboratory section has 1 TA (graduate teaching assistant) and 1 facilitator (an undergraduate student) assigned. The "facilitator" will be collecting data from your experiments weekly and posting it on a www page for your section. All the sections have a www page with their data posted. This is the data that will be used in the formal write ups. The data will be discussed in lecture. The underlying concepts of the laboratory exercises will be on lecture exams. Content presented in lecture and laboratories are expected to be integrative such that content on quizzes in lecture or the lab can be mixed. No laboratory or section will have an advantage over the others as quizzes are different for each section and lecture exams are constructed so as not to cover content that particular sections might not have experience yet during the week.

The "manual" for the exercises is what will be posted on line within the www pages for each experiment. This is so the students will not have to buy a manual. You will be responsible for printing it out or having, in some means, the protocol to use for the laboratory period. Hard copies will not be provided. Overall this should save the students money. We cannot guarantee that the laboratories will have internet accessible during the lab period, but most likely one should be able to get on the www. So don't rely on the live feed from the www for your laboratory period. If you want, download on to a flash drive and bring to the lab.

The TA's will be grading quizzes and all material associated with the laboratories as well as being responsible for taking attendance checks. The facilitators will be helping in conducting the experiments and gathering data from you. They will have your email address and you are responsible for getting information to them in a reasonable amount of time so the spread sheets can be posted on line.

The TA and facilitator are present to make the laboratory experience a valuable part of your learning experience.

Laboratory conduct:
Every student will have to have completed the on line safety test and bring to the lab on the 1st day of your section meeting time. It is an easy test and you can take it multiple times until you get a 100 % . Either save and email your TA or print it out and bring to the lab. The TA will check you off for having completed the exercise.
..............Drop down boxes Fill in: Thomas Hunt Morgan building, Room 202, phone 257- 5950

Animal care:
Even though you will be using primarily invertebrate animals in these laboratories no torture of the animals is allowed. If any torturing occurs to the animals it is reason to be expelled from the course with an "I" (incomplete) or possible a "W" (withdrawal) depending the timing within the semester.

No horse play, cutting up, playing ball etc.. allowed in the laboratory period. Squirting someone with a solution in a syringe or a water bottle can be dangerous. You might know it is water but another person does not. 3M KCl can be very harmful if squirted by accident in someone's eye.

We will use a fixative in the lab. The fix solution is a Bouin's solution (Prepared with saturated picric acid, formaldehyde and acetic acid; Sigma-Aldrich Co.). Some people are very allergic to the vapors of formaldehyde. If you know you are allergic please inform the instructor (Dr. Cooper) as soon as possible so we can make alternative plans. The fix solution is to remain in the vented hood.