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NSTA 2012 & 2013 Conferences

STEM and Health: Stressors on the Circulatory System Related to Excess Body Fat

Kentucky International Convention Center, L7 Louisville, KY

St Louis, Mo

The goal of this laboratory exercise is to understand the circulatory system while integrating STEM and health-related issues.

Presenter(s): Rebecca M. Krall (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY); Robin L. Cooper (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY); Rachel C. Holsinger (Sayre School: Lexington, KY); Diane H. Johnson (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY); Susan Mayo (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY); Kim Zeidler-Watters (Univ of Kentucky: Lexington, KY)

Power points & text :

Overview ppt

Some ppts that teachers can use: part 1, part 2, part 3

Text files (MS word): The conceptual problem, Engineering design, parts for experiments, on line information, Sample middle school unit, Arteriosclerosis lab, AAAS Science link on heart, YOUTUBE links on demos, The circulatory role, lipid tests , Secondary New generation Stds,

Associated PDFs & other content :

Windkessel paper, Blood doping, Altitude 1, Altitude 2, Lipid blood tests, ankle-brachial index1, ankle-brachial index2, ankle-brachial index3, ankle-brachial index4, Guided inquiry by Colburn

Hemodynamics for Medical , Smith's model for undergraduates

Beamer, Chpt 7 alternat integrated Framework, Baldock Chanson 2006 fluid flow, Campbell biology fluid flow, Chapter 13 outline, Fluid flow and motion Exp9 , fluid flow chapter 8, guide to lowering BP, Maps of obesity, Microvascular dysfunction obsesity, Physics & human, Static Vs Pulse press,