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1. Shannon O'Connell - NKU
2. Colleen Stoeppel - UK
3. Deval Bhatt - UK
4. Stephanie Logsdon - UK
5. Gina Richardson- Bellarmine
6. Allison Hensley - UK

Stephanie Logsdon - UK Colleen Stoeppel - UK

Rz cell action potential
on the scope
Deval Bhatt - UK Shannon O'Connell - NKU

Allison Hensley - UK Gina Richardson- Bellarmine

Thanks Dr. Ron L. Calabrese (Department of Biology, Emory University) for the leeches !!!

Not only did we excite their neurons but they excited ours.

Allison's dissected leech

Come see this- they filled a P cell
with Lucifer yellow

How about them Rz responses !

Lobsters are next in line.

And the winner of the best decorated resin block box is :
It's a tie ---
Time to learn electron microscopy -- cutting resin blocks and poststaining of sections

The day of image and mathematical analysis with Dr. Kim.

Don't forget about the Swedish "Lena" and sharpening the contrast.

Now on to caving - see next www page GO TO