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ABLE 2011 Conference

New Mexico State University

GI and Heart Workshop by Holsinger & Cooper (Dept. of Biology, Univ. of KY)


OVERVIEW MOVIES: (Part 1) (Part 2)

ABLE Lab protocol: MS WORD  or   PDF

Univ of KY Lab protocol : MS WORD file ...or ... PDF file

Associated PDFs & power points:

Recent 3 refs added (6/20/2011): Laverack 1972A, 1972B, 1972C

........Hindgut 100years.........GI-florey......... crayfish gut page260.....crayfish hindgut-orcokinins...glutamate and hindgut

....... gut movements help blood circulation........effects of carbon dioxide on Drosophila......hindgut muscles

.... Musolf_Barbara_E_2007_PhD (250 MB).......5HT on heart in fly

. LAB- Shrimp heart experiments

. see JoVE crayfish heart movie

. see JoVE Drosophila heart Movie

ABLE Lab protocol: Ms Word file..... or PDF file.....

. Univ of KY Lab protocol : MS WORD file ...or ... PDF file..... .

. holding chamber (pptx or tif)

. Associated PDFs:

. Heart and ventilatory measures in crayfish...... Heart and .

. ventilatory measures in crayfish-2...... caff in Manduca

. effects of carbon dioxide on Drosophila Heart......

. .Heart rate in . cave crayfish......

. Fruit fly heart as a model for Humans....

.. Human heart issues...Daphnia-nicotine lab ........

. effects toxins (Cd2+) on heart rate in a crustacean