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NSTA 2012 Conference

Thursday, October 18 12:30-1:30 PM
Effect of Environment and Modulators on Hindgut and Heart Function in Invertebrates
Kentucky International Convention Center, L7

The crayfish hindgut and Drosophila heart allow for easy physiologic recordings and can be used as a bioassay for various compounds and environmental substances.

Presenter(s): Susan Mayo (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY); Rachel C. Holsinger (Sayre School: Lexington, KY); Robin L. Cooper (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY); Diane H. Johnson (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY); Rebecca M. Krall (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY); Kim Zeidler-Watters (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY)


OVERVIEW MOVIES: (Part 1) (Part 2)

NSTA protocol: MS WORD  or   PDF

Univ of KY Lab protocol : MS WORD file ...or ... PDF file

see JOVE article on GI in crayfish:Cooper, A.S., Leksrisawat, B., Mercier, A.J., Gilberts, A.B. and Cooper, R.L. (2011) Physiological experimentations with the crayfish hindgut. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). Jove 47: & PDF of article


Associated PDFs & power points:

Recent 3 refs added (6/20/2011): Laverack 1972A, 1972B, 1972C

........Hindgut 100years.........GI-florey......... crayfish gut page260.....crayfish hindgut-orcokinins...glutamate and hindgut

....... gut movements help blood circulation........effects of carbon dioxide on Drosophila......hindgut muscles

.... Musolf_Barbara_E_2007_PhD (250 MB).......5HT on heart in fly


. LAB- Shrimp heart experiments

. see JoVE crayfish heart movie

. see JoVE Drosophila heart Movie

NSTA Lab protocol: Ms Word file..... or PDF file.....

. Univ of KY Lab protocol : MS WORD file ...or ... PDF file..... .

. holding chamber (pptx or tif)

. Associated PDFs:

. Heart and ventilatory measures in crayfish...... Heart and .

. ventilatory measures in crayfish-2...... caff in Manduca

. effects of carbon dioxide on Drosophila Heart......

. .Heart rate in . cave crayfish......

. Fruit fly heart as a model for Humans....

.. Human heart issues...Daphnia-nicotine lab ........

. effects toxins (Cd2+) on heart rate in a crustacean