A Chapter of the

American Physiological Society (APS)

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Inaugural meeting of KY-PHYS (2012-2013)

Schedule of events (PDF) or (MS Word)

(Click here to download the KYPHYS 2013 program)

Monday March 25, 2013 at the Univ. of Ky in the Student Center Grand Ballroom

FREE PARKING across the street from Student Center

Obtain parking stub when entering the parking grarge. Bring stub to registration table and a Free parking pass will be provided for the out of town guests.

.............Park in the structure on Limestone (Big parking structure)
............(see direction www page) and take the bridge over to the student center entrance.

The general plan is to have people put up posters in the AM around 9 AM (The boards should be ready by 8:30 AM for mounting). A registration table will be set up by 8:30 AM.

This way people can causally look over the posters in the morning hours and prepare questions for later in the afternoon. From 1:30 to 2:30 even numbered posters will be presented by the authors and 2:30 to 3:30 the odd numbered posters will be presented. For this first year we decided not to have poster judging of presenters but instead the # poster will view the next higher # poster (#1 views #2 from 1:30-2:30 and #2 views #3 at 2:30-3:30). This ensures that every one has a chance to present their poster (note: The last poster # will view the first poster). This is good practice for students. Some are first-time presenters. You will have a short questionnaire to fill out of the poster/presenter you visited. These questioners will be collected in a box and around 3:30 a random drawing of door prizes will be given based on which papers are pulled out (must be present to win and information filled out). Of course after you finished viewing your next higher up numbered poster, please visit the other posters and mingle.

Schedule of events (PDF) or (MS Word)

(Click here to download the KYPHYS 2013 program)


Registration is required to attend the meeting and the functions. Registration is available at the meeting. (Cash and checks only accepted as we are not yet set up for credit cards or University billing) The $ 10 registration fee covers a box lunch and helps to offset costs.

10:00 AM- 11:00 AM: Overview of Physiology and outreaching in KY.
(10 minutes each) Dr. Joshua (U of L), Dr. Reid (UK), Dr. Fultz (Morehead), Dr. Nakamura (Murray State), Dr. Park (Univ. of Pikeville) and Dr. Frazier (UK outreach).

12:30-1:20: Welcome to KYPhys.
Lunch Seminar by Dr. Brian Delisle (Dept of Physiology, Univ. of KY., Delisle's CV-pdf)
Title "The Physiology of Congenital Arrhythmia Syndromes: From Bedside to Bench and Back Again…"

1:30- 2:30: EVEN # posters being presented.
2:30-3:30: ODD # posters being presented.

We encourage a state wide participation in the general meeting and the official business meeting at 3:45-4:30.

Abstract submission:

1. Please review the instructions and guidelines before submitting your abstract.

2. Each abstract should contain a sentence stating the study objective (unless given in the title); a brief statement of methods, if pertinent; a summary of the results obtained; and a statement of the conclusions. Use a short, specific title with upper and lower case letters.

3. Presenters will be members of KY-PHYS by the date of the meeting (registration available at the meeting).

4. ABSTRACTS are to be submitted via email to as a MS word file. Please put "Abstract" in subject line.

Sample abstract is here to download (download)

......1st line...... Title

......2nd line...... Name of authors

......3rd line ......Affiliation

......4th line......start the body of Abstract

5. Submission Fee

........There is no cost for abstract submission. Only a registration fee of $ 10

............{ IRS 501(c)3 tax free status in progress: EIN # is 46-2276768}

6. You will submit your abstract on-line, using the following instructions:

Limit your abstract to approximately 250 words;
Keep a copy for your records. Based on your on-line submission, your abstract will be evaluated, compiled and printed for distribution to conference attendees and mentors.

7. Deadline for Submission
Abstracts are due by March 20, 2013. You will be notified that the abstract was received.

8. A list of titles and authors of abstracts will be listed for confirmation (Click here to download the KYPHYS 2013 program)

Poster guidelines:

1. The poster-board surface area is 3'8" high and 5'6" wide. The posters will be mounted with push pins.

2. Posters should be readable by viewers five feet away. The message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation.

........The local arrangement committee:
........(Robin Cooper, Cindy McKenzie and Danica Kubly)